Approved 17th May 2012
As the world becomes increasingly smaller, communities face numerous opportunities – and challenges – that require a global perspective. A sister cites program enables citizens to become directly involved in international relations in a unique and meaningful way, bringing long-term benefits to both our own community and our partners abroad. Whether linking with a metropolitan city in Australia, or smaller towns in the USA and Japan, communities learn and grow as part of its sister city partnership.
On the most basic level, sister city relationships allow citizens to exchange ideas, gain an international perspective, and increase their understanding of global issues. However, many sister city programs go further, lending economic growth and development to both their home and partner communities and humanitarian support to regions in need. While sister cities build the foundation for increased tourism, reliable business contacts, and cross-cultural awareness, they also foster a desire to reach out to the world’s less developed regions and build personal bridges to world peace.
The mission of Sister Cities International is to promote peace through mutual respect, understanding and cooperation – one individual, one community at a time.
Our Statement of Purpose is as a committee and in association with the Town of Sidney, to promote greater understanding and respect between the citizens of the Saanich Peninsula and Anacortes, USA; Cairns, Australia and Niimi, Japan (and any future sister cities) by enriching the cultural and economic resources of each city through the planning and implementation of programs that foster mutual understanding respect and good will.
• A not for profit organization with bylaws filed in the Town Hall of Sidney.
• To develop exchanges, programmes, and/or activities between our Sister Cities.
• To serve as hosts and international guides to our Sister City delegations.
• To organize accommodations and/or home-stays for international delegations.
• To provide financial assistance to support Sister City exchanges.
1. Support international trade and economic partnerships between our sister cities.
2. Promote international tourism.
3. Support increased understanding of international issues.
4. Support artistic and cultural exchanges and partnerships.
Adult visits and exchanges
Youth exchanges
Art and other cultural exchanges
Other appropriate ventures
Bylaw No. 1 – Territory
Membership in the Association is open to men and women who live primarily, but not necessarily in the Saanich Peninsula area.
Bylaw No. 2 – Membership
1. An application for individual membership shall be accompanied by the annual membership fee. Fees are to be recommended by the Executive but voted on by the general membership. Depending on when a new member is accepted, the membership fee may be prorated after the middle of the year.
2. Annual membership fees are payable on or before the January meeting.
3. The Executive may terminate the membership of any member who fails to pay the annual membership fee by May 30th.
4. An Honourary Membership may be conferred on a person by a majority of members voting at a meeting This is conferred for one year but may be extended. An Honourary Member shall not e required to pay the annual membership fee, and shall enjoy all privileges of membership except voting and election to office.
5. A Life Membership may be conferred by a majority if members voting at a meeting, upon a member who has rendered outstanding service to the Association. A Life Member shall not be required to pay the annual membership fee, and shall enjoy all privileges of membership.
6. Conduct of Members. If, in the opinion of and after due consideration by the Association’s Executive, a member conducts himself/herself such a manner so as to bring discredit to the organization or they cause discord within the membership, they may be asked to resign . The resignation request should be made if, after discussion between the member and the Executive, the conflict is not resolved.
Bylaw No. 3. Executive of the Association
Elected Officers
1. The President, or designate, shall preside at all meetings of the Executive and the Association.
2. The President-Elect shall act on behalf of the President in his/her absence and shall move into the position of President at the Annual General Meeting following his/her election.
3. The Past President may act on behalf of the President if so required and will act in an advisory capacity to the President and Executive.
4. The Secretary shall be responsible for all minutes of the Association and for the Association’s archival material.
5. The Treasurer shall maintain and control the financial records of the Association and provide regular financial statements to the Executive and membership.
Appointed Members
1. Anacortes Chair
2. Cairns Chair
3. Niimi Chair
4. Membership Chair
5. Publicity Chair
6. Social Convener
7. Float and Parade Chair
8. Web
9. Youth Outreach
The President shall review the Association’s Bylaws with the Executive at the first meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
Bylaw No. 4 Election of Officers
A Nominating Committee consisting of two Past Presidents (if available, otherwise two Association members in good standing) shall present to the Annual General Meeting a slate of candidates for election as Officers.
When an election is required, voting shall be by ballot or a show of hands. Only paid-up members may vote.
In the event that an officer is unable to continue his/her duties, the Executive may appoint a Member to fill the position until the next Annual General Meeting.
Bylaw No. 5 – Meetings of the Association
1. Monthly general meetings of the Association shall be held at a time and location to be determined by the Executive.
2. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held at a time and location to be determined by the Executive.
3. The quorum at all meetings shall be 15% of the membership.
4. Any Notice of Motion shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary and read at a meeting one month prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered.
5. Guests may attend monthly meetings in any given fiscal year as long as this does not preclude the general membership from attending.
Bylaw No. 6 – Financial
1. The Treasurer shall receive, record and deposit all funds of the Association in a financial institution approved by the Executive. The signatories shall be any two of the President, President-Elect, Treasurer or Secretary.
2. An annual financial review shall be conducted and a report presented to the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
3. An annual financial review may be conducted by a qualified member of the Association who is not a member of the Executive.
4. If the Association were to disband, all remaining funds are to be transferred to the Town of Sidney,
Bylaw No 7 – Non-profitability
1. The Association may advance funds, with approval of the Executive, when prepayment of event costs are required prior to collection of funds from Members. Such advances shall be repaid to the Association.
2. An individual member of the Association must not gain from a discount, commission, gratuity or other benefit arising from an Association activity.
Bylaw No. 8 – Amendment
1. Any bylaw may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at a general meeting, provided that notice of motion has been given as required by Bylaw No. 5 paragraph 4.
2. The Association’s Bylaws shall be reviewed for possible amendments every three years or as deemed necessary.